Prihranite čas, ohranite živce

Hitra in enostavna migracija vaših podatkov in poslovnih procesov v Shopamine okolje.


Omogočiti trgovcem po celem svetu, da so hkrati konkurenčni in pomemben del digitalne ekonomije.


Vrhunsko orodje, ki omogoča nadzor in upravljanje B2B in B2C e-trgovine na enem mestu.


Zmanjšati stroške in prihraniti čas trgovcem s popolno integracijo Shopamine v njihove obstoječe sisteme.

Skupinsko delo

Vse se da doseči, ko združijo moči odlični posamezniki.

Zakaj migrirati na Shopamine?

Shopamine ni le aplikacija, temveč je tudi storitev. Ponujamo vam pomoč pri postavitvi spletne trgovine, dosegljivo podporo v slovenskem jeziku in Shopamine partnerje, ki še dodatno skrbijo za vaš uspeh.

Dosegljiva lokalna podpora

Integracije z lokalnimi programi

Priročne možnosti za SEO

Možnost razširitev in nadgradenj

Celostna storitev (načrtovanje, izpeljava in partnerji)

Napredna tehnologija in poslovni model

Preprosta migracija

Šest korakov do nove trgovine

1. Understanding your business.
1. Understanding your business.

Our experts will assess your needs, contribute to the development of technical specifications, offer advice on new opportunities for sales growth, and assist with the digital transformation of your business.

2. Basic configuration and design.
2. Basic configuration and design.

We'll assist you in creating the initial layout of your online store, tailoring it to your ideas, preferences, and content. We consider the best practices for establishing online stores in our approach.

3. Migration of product and customer catalogs.
3. Migration of product and customer catalogs.

Our project managers and migration engineers will devise a plan for migrating your existing data and oversee the transfer of the product catalog and current users.

4. User Experience (UX) and Consulting Services.
4. User Experience (UX) and Consulting Services.

Our UX (User Experience) and CX (Customer Experience) partners will assist in organizing your website's content, navigation, and structure. Collaborating with you, they will strategize the placement of filters, additional product attributes, and the implementation of advanced functionalities.

5. Bring your SEO along.
5. Bring your SEO along.

Is your current website already indexed on Google and other search engines? You've surely invested in your site's visibility, and your domain has already gained some SEO strength. Our marketing specialists will monitor the migration process and provide guidance on properly configuring redirects.

6. Business process automation.
6. Business process automation.

Automation plays a crucial role in the migration and enhancement of your existing online sales solution. The Shopamine team, consisting of engineers and a consultant, will review current integrations with you and suggest new solutions and improvements.