Vsestranska marketinška platforma, ki vam pomaga upravljati in komunicirati s strankami
Vsestranska marketinška platforma, ki vam pomaga upravljati in komunicirati s strankami
Realizirajte večji promet v spletni trgovini
MailChimp je priljubljena storitev za upravljanje e-pošte in avtomatizacijo marketinških aktivnosti. Ponuja različne funkcionalnosti tako za majhna in start-up podjetja, kot za velika podjetja in organizacije, ki potrebujejo obdelavo večjega volumna e-pošte.
MailChimp je enostaven za uporabo, omogoča avtomatizacijo e-poštnih kampanj ter njihovo analizo. Upravljate lahko s profili vaših strank, generirate poročila, sledite statistiki, si ogledate število klikov in odgovorov, spremljate status svojih poslanih sporočil in zagotavljate popolno transparentnost svojih oglaševalskih kampanj.
Kar 69% spletnih kupcev zapusti svojo košarico (Abandoned Cart) in ne opravi nakupa. Z avtomatizirano e-poštno kampanjo v MailChimp-u jih lahko pridobite nazaj.
Avtomatizirajte e-poštne kampanje.
Odlična podpora marketingu.
Poglobite se v podrobno analizo.
Zmanjšajte število zapuščenih košaric in realizirajte večji promet.
Ostanite v kontaktu s svojimi strankami tudi po opravljenem nakupu.
Ko obiščete našo spletno stran, samodejno namestimo potrebne piškotke v vašo napravo, da se lahko naša spletna stran pravilno prikazuje in deluje. V vašo napravo lahko namestimo tudi neobvezne analitične in marketinške piškotke, če izberete možnost "Sprejmi vse". Ti piškotki zbirajo in analizirajo različne informacije o vaši interakciji z našim spletno stranjo in drugimi spletnimi mesti za ciljno usmerjeno oglaševanje.
Prosimo, kliknite gumb "Sprejmi vse", če se strinjate z uporabo vseh vrst piškotkov ali zavrnite neobvezne piškotke s klikom na "Samo nujni piškotki"'. Za več informacij si oglejte našo Politiko piškotkov.
so piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za pravilno delovanje spletne strani in brez njih prenos sporočil v komunikacijskem omrežju ne bi bil mogoč. Ti piškotki so prav tako potrebni, da vam v podjetju lahko ponudimo storitve, ki so na voljo na naši spletni strani. Omogočajo prijavo v uporabniški profil, izbiro jezika, strinjanje s pogoji in identifikacijo uporabnikove seje. Za njihovo uporabo nismo dolžni pridobiti soglasja.
Ti piškotki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako naši obiskovalci uporabljajo našo spletno stran. S pomočjo njih izboljšujemo uporabniško izkušnjo in ugotavljamo zahteve in trende uporabnikov. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.
Vtičniki in orodja tretjih oseb, uporabljeni kot piškotki, omogočajo delovanje funkcionalnosti, pomagajo analizirati pogostost obiskovanja in način uporabe spletnih strani. Če se z uporabo teh posameznik ne strinja, se piškotki ne bodo namestili, lahko pa se zgodi, da zato nekatere zanimive funkcije posameznega spletnega mesta ne bodo na voljo. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.
These cookies make it possible for us to provide content for posts on social media and record your actions so that we may provide a more personal and enhanced user experience. We use these cookies only if you are logged into a X, Facebook or Google user account when using the website.
Cookies are small text files that most modern websites store on the devices of their visitors, i.e. people who access certain websites on the Internet with their devices. The storing of cookies is under the complete control of the user, since users can easily configure their browser to restrict or disable the storage of cookies.
While visiting the website and its subpages and performing operations on the website, your computer, phone or tablet, automatically or after gaining your explicit consent, stores certain cookies through which various data can be recorded.
1.2. How do they work and why we use them?Each visitor or shopper is assigned a cookie in order to identify him and ensure traceability at the beginning of each use of the online store. The servers provided to the company by the subcontractor automatically collect data on how visitors, shop owners or shoppers use the online store and store this data in the form of an activity log.
The servers store information about the use of the online store, statistics and IP numbers. Data on the use of the online store by shoppers can be used by the company for compiling anonymous statistics that help us improve the user experience as well as market products and / or services through an online store.
Indirectly and upon obtaining consent, the online store may also store external service cookies on the visitor's or shopper's device (e.g. Google Analytics) which are used to collect data on website visits. Regarding external services, the rules and general conditions on the processing of personal data, which are available at the links below, apply.
2. Permission to use cookiesIf the settings of the browser with which you visit the website are such, that they accept all cookies, it means that you agree to their use. In case you do not want to use cookies on this website or you want to remove them, you may follow the procedure below. Removing or blocking cookies may result in suboptimal performance of this website.
3. Mandatory and optional cookies and your consent 3.1. We are not required to gain your consent for the use of mandatory cookies:Mandatory cookies are cookies, that are essential for the proper functioning of the website, whereby the transmission of information in the communication network would not be possible without them. These cookies are also necessary in order for us to offer you the services, which are available on our website. They enable login into the user profile, language selection, agreeing to the terms and conditions and user session identification.
3.2. Cookies that are not necessary for the normal operation of the website, and for which we are obliged to obtain your consent (optional cookies):Analytical cookies
These cookies help us understand how our visitors use our website. They help us improve the user experience and identify user requirements and trends. We only use these cookies if you have explicitly consented to their use.
Advertising cookies
Third-party plug-ins and tools used as cookies enable various functionalities to work, help us analyse the frequency of visits and how the website is used. If an individual does not agree to the use of these cookies, they will not be installed, while it may however happen, that some interesting features of the website will not be available. We only use these cookies if you have explicitly consented to their use.
Social network cookies
These cookies make it possible for us to provide content for posts on social media and record your actions so that we may provide a more personal and enhanced user experience. We use these cookies only if you are logged into a X, Facebook or Google user account when using the website.
4. How to manage cookies?You can manage cookies by clicking on the "Cookie settings" link in the footer of the website.
You can also control and change cookie settings in your own web browser.
In case you want to delete cookies from your device, we advise you to follow the described procedures, by doing so, you will most likely limit the functionality of not only our website but also most other websites, as the majority of modern websites use cookies.